Saturday, December 31, 2011

Beauty Shots

Really, how beautiful is this baby?!?!?!

But we're not always evidenced by this photo: (Baby Sam has a pretty bad cold)

Fisher Price Circa 1980

While in Albany, Sam and Meir had the opportunity to play with many classic toys from approximately 3 decades ago.

And speaking of toys, Sam got so much loot for Hanukkah that he needed a new backpack to carry it all home!

In a New York State of Mind

Sam took his first plane trip to Albany last week for a roadshow with all the East Coast relatives. He had quite the jammed packed schedule. (Even the mailman stopped by to visit.) First Bubbie and Zadie:

Then he met Great Aunt Brin and Uncle Ray:
 Then Mrs. Pooh...

Don't forget about Uncle Bernie!

And, of course, cousin Meir...who once again tried to take down our son. Just you wait, Meir! In a few years, Sam will get his revenge!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy 1st Hanukkah!

Baby Sam celebrated the start of Hanukkah tonight! 

Even Switzerland joined in on the celebration (he destroyed his new toy within 5 minutes)...
 And now we're off to Albany for more Hanukkah fun!

The Neglect-a-Center

Once Sam turned 4 months old, we were able to bring out the saucer...otherwise known as the "Neglect-a-Center." He was entertained for approximately 5 minutes.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy Birthday! (4 months)

Four months ago today, our little Sam arrived! (And four months ago today it was about 80 degrees warmer.)
Official stats:
Length: 26.75 inches (98th percentile)
Weight: 16.25 lbs (75th percentile)
Head circumference: 44cm (98th percentile)
In other words, this is a BIG baby. And yes, we all know where he got his height from. No wise cracks necessary.

PS - The 13th is a popular birthday - today, Sam's cousin Meir turns 1!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hollidazzle* '11

We bundled up and took Sam to his first parade! (It went pretty well until the very end when Sam had a complete breakdown because either 1) it was past his bedtime or 2) he was angry he didn't get to try any mini donuts or 3) he was freezing.)

 *Hollidazzle is a  Minneapolis tradition - an over the top parade that marches down Nicollet Mall almost every night between Thanksgiving and Christmas. When we lived downtown we could see it from our window! That was much warmer than standing on the street!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

QT with Mommy

Sam and Mom made Hanukkah cookies together - flour, flour everywhere - including Sam's head!

And after we cleaned up, it was story time! (The Very Hungry Catepillar - one of Sam's favorites)

Friday, December 2, 2011


Sam continues to enjoy daycare...which makes his parents very happy! (And Mom is really enjoying being back at work so it's a good arrangement all around.) This week, Sam and his friends are getting ready for winter with the art project below. Can you spot Sam??
And here's our little cutie celebrating the end of Movember (thank goodness):

(Even Switzerland didn't like the 'stach)