Sunday, October 30, 2011

So Cozy!

We finally used our chiminea last night! It was quite cozy...the only thing missing were smores...
(Don't worry, Sam didn't sit next to the fire...we just staged this photo and then promptly removed him.)
Also, check out this cozy (personalized Owl) Sam just received from our friends Justine, Chris, and Rabun. So far he has really taken a liking to it!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Busy weekend!

We are having a busy weekend! First, Matt had (minor) knee surgery...

Then we had a very special visitor all the way from California. (Carolyn is a natural at this! Plus, Switzerland adored her.)

Then it was Pumpkin Fest!! (Our neighborhood Halloween gathering where we race pumpkins, climb on the fire truck, and eat hearty soups.) This was just a practice run for the real Halloween but oh my goodness, Sam was unbelievably cute. (We went for a garden theme - Switz was a bumble bee again, Matt was a flower).

"Falling" for Sam

We can not wait for the day Sam is old enough to help with yard work--mowing the lawn, weeding, and raking!
But in the meantime, he just gets to sit there and look cute.


Sam graduated from his first and baby class, that is. Sam made many new friends:
And, he even met a girlfriend, Lily. (His other girlfriend, Avery, was absent that day.)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sam's first art project

Check out the matching tye dye shirts (and swaddle blanket)...

And later that day, Sam helped Matt with his lesson planning...
Meanwhile, here's a shot of our cutie:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Birthday! (2 months)

Happy (2 month) Birthday to Sam! We love birthmonth celebrations! Sadly we celebrated at the doctor's office where Sam received 3 shots. Both mom and baby were very unhappy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Someone's in the kitchen...

According to, babies like to play with kitchen utensils...and since we were stuck inside today due to rain Sam played chef for a bit while mom made brownies.

Word of the Day: Pumpkin

Every day we learn a new word (apple, balloon, fork, etc)...yesterday's word was "pumpkin." To help Sam visualize the orange gourd we went to the MN Arboretum where there were pumpkins galore. As usual, Sam was only mildly interested.  (If it's not black and white, forget about it.)

Btw, the arboretum was a very cool spot! Highly recommend the 3 Mile drive!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Yesterday was a lazy day as evidenced below.

(Fyi, Sam is experiencing some temporary hair loss...but it appears to be growing back nicely.)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Mighty Mississippi

The 3 Muskateers (Sheyna, Sam, and Switz) have spent a lot of time at the lakes recently so today they decided to check out the river...see below for Sheyna's attempt to take a self portrait on the Stone Arch bridge. This is an unbelievable fall we're having!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Like father, like son...

I'm not sure this is 100% parent approved and tested, but yes - that is Sam mowing the lawn. (And yes, we own a push mower.)

Mom prefers much more traditional--and safer--activities, like tummy time and activity mats.

(GO BIG RED! Thank you, Krissy!)

Sam's first 5k

It will probably not surprise you to learn that Sam has already completed his first 5k. (And that mom already has her running shoes back on...28 minutes, not too shabby for her first postpartum race.) Go, Sam, Go!