Friday, November 25, 2011


It often happens that mom turns on the camera to find a whole series of photos that dad took without her knowing...many of them are arms length shots and are quite amusing!

(It was crazy hair day at school otherwise mom would be very nervous!)

Gobble Gobble

It was a relatively low key Thanksgiving (in part due to an unfortunate illness that gave mom a fever of 102 and a horrific cough that wiped out her vocal cords)...but Sam seemed to enjoy himself all the same.

See Sam's first art project from daycare!

(Ok, not the greatest photo but he WAS smiling!)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sniffle Sniffle

Mom is currently at home, mending her broken heart. Little baby Sam went to school today...much sadness.

(Of course the beauty is now Mom has FOUR blissful days of relaxation. She's going to the gym, to the movies, to the spa, to yoga...)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy Birthday! (3 months)

Another birth month celebration. Sam actually gave us a gift by sleeping over 9 hours straight last night from 8:30pm to 6am. Thank you, Sam!

Unofficial stats:
25.5 inches long
17.5 inches head circumference

 And after an outfit change:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Au Natural

Sam spent some time exploring nature at the Westwood Nature Center...he saw some wild turkeys, a blue salamander, and a snake!

Basketball Jones

Given his height, there is a strong possibility Sam will grow up to be a baller! Matt took him to see his first game over the weekend. He was quite the fan! (And PS - It's "Movember" which is why Matt is sporting the 'stach"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Art and Literature

Sam was exposed to the liberal arts yesterday, with a little fine arts (@ the Weisman museum at the U) and classic literature. First a morning of artistic inspiration:
And then an afternoon of scholarly reading:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Our little ladybug (or "babybug") was a huge hit!
And don't forget about Switz, who made the perfect bumble bee (for the second year in a row):