Saturday, May 31, 2014

Road Trip!

An out of state wedding to attend gave Matt an excuse to hit the road.  Conveniently enough, a route through two of the three state's he hadn't visited yet could be justified on a slightly longer than necessary route to Georgia.  Sam and Switzerland were troopers in the car again, and have picked up three new states so far on this trip (our return trip will add five more for each of them as well).
Thanks to Jess and, Tre' for hosting us overnight at their lovely suburban Columbus, O-H-I-O (I think the state law requires you spell it, rather than say it) home.  Switz loved playing and running in the spacious yard of his new canine pals Morris, Maisy, and Miles after the long day in the car.  We have arrived in Decatur, GA safe and sound last night and and set up camp in the home of Sheyna's sister and family.  After a lovely sleep, Sam is happily playing and preparing for pool time now.

Proof of the presence of both Matt and Sam in West Virginia and Kentucky are found below (Please heed all posted warnings before viewing).
 Documenting Kentucky-Take 1 (MOTION SICKNESS ALERT!)
Documenting Kentucky-Take 2

Monday, May 19, 2014

Wild Animal on the Loose!

Our arrival on the UWS was particularly special for our hairiest family member.  Having not been able to run loose like a maniac (outside the confines of a dog run) since we arrived in NYC, Switz got his first chance to enjoy the relaxed dog restrictions in Central Park before 9 am (and after 9 pm).   
Pictured below: Switz in mid stride in Central Park.

Riverside Hoe Down

Sam and his parents engaged in some square dancing at the Battery City Esplanade in Lower Manhattan.  Some knee slapping, twirl your partner fun was had--and a cool ship went by too!

Minnesota Nice (for real) in NYC

Pictured below: Sam tries to guide some tourists checking out the signage in front of the New York Stock Exchange.  Then he asked for his guitar back so he could earn a bit of pocket change entertaining the masses.

Truck Extravagansa!

Sam and his Mama enjoyed their first morning as Upper West Siders together exploring the entire (almost) Upper West Side.  This included a very fun Trucks Event where Sam got to climb on, in, and "drive" all kinds of trucks.  (Apparently there was also a large inflatable bounce house, which Sam continues to report on by saying: "Mama was scared."  Sheyna confirmed: "Those bigger kids almost took me out!" (They also found time to do some UWS boutique shopping and visit CMOM, the Children's Museum of Manhattan--how cultured!)

Inside Man-Part 2 (A Sammy Gamage Joint)

If you saw Inside Man (starring Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, Jodi Foster, and Christopher Plummer), you're going to love the upcoming sequel: Inside Man-Part 2 (A Sammy Gamage Joint, starring Sammy himself).
Although our time there is almost up, Sam has been shooting the final scenes in the building we have been living in, which happens to be the building most of Spike Lee's Inside Man was shot in (link to Google Image search from the movie here).  
Seriously, Sam recently charmed his favorite doorman into giving us a brief behind the scenes tour of some of the currently unused sections of the old bank. (We also saw a different lobby area that is apparently featured in Amazing Spiderman 2, now in theaters, but we didn't get any pictures there.  Word is that it will be converted into a Lounge/cocktail establishment in the future--so you can bet we'll be back for Happy Hour!)

Silly Reading with the Tickle Monster


Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Weekend

When Sam wasn't placing phone calls to his various long distance maternal influences (Nona in Albany, Bubbe in CT, and Grandma Terry in AK), he was enjoying a lovely weekend with his mother, aka "Mama."  He started the weekend off by joining in a song-filled sing-along evening on the Hudson River sponsored by the Battery City Parks program (It took Sheyna back to memories of campfire singalongs at her beloved Camp Little Notch).  Sadly, no pictures of this glorious event.
Next up, fishing on the Hudson along with crafts, also sponsored by Battery City Parks.  Sam got a taste of the weight of a real rod and reel for the first time, although the results were the same as our frequent visits to the East River with our homemade--skunked again!  Of course, his craft was a pirate ship--currently still drying from all the glue he added. He called this one "The Peking pirate ship" (named after another actual retired ship at the South St. Seaport Ship Musuem).
 On the morning of the big day, Mother's Day of course, Sam presented his Mama with presents and then it was off for a day at the Bronx Zoo.  We saw a lot of animals and Sheyna got to revisit a place she remembers fondly from visits with her grandfather as a child.  By the time we left, everyone was tuckered out.  The day ended with Sam tucking in his Mama for an early bedtime.  Happy Mother's Day!




Thursday, May 8, 2014

Reviving the NY Harbor Shipyard

As I type, Sam continues to enjoy his latest ship creation (Daddy also assisted in building this one).  Pictured: Captain Sam on board the"Wavertree ship" (an actual retired ship at the South St. Seaport Museum on the East River in NYC), Mama & Captain Sam out on a sail, and Daddy and Sammy reading about ships while aboard the mighty Wavertree.

NYC Preschooler

Sam started at a new preschool on the Upper West Side two mornings a week.  He's blending in well so far and the social time with other toddlers is good for him.

At the site itself a few weeks later:

More NY Fun

At a local playground Spring Fair enjoying the inflatables they brought in as well as keen observation of the animals in the petting zoo.

Visiting new friends.  Sam made his first trip beyond Brooklyn on Long Island to meet up with two new friends--children of one of Sheyna's roommates.