Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Best of the Financial District

With preschool ending last week and summer camp (July preschool) not started yet, Sam has the whole week to explore new horizons.  So, what did we do.  Well, we've been focusing on wearing underpants this week (not going so great, but probably could be worse, well, maybe not) and took a trip to see some of Sam's favorite things in the Financial District yesterday, including:
- A "subway adventure" trip on the 3 to the WALL STREET STATION (upon exiting at Williams and Wall St., Sam declared: "It's New York City!")
- A walk-by visit with some old friends, the statues of George Washington on the steps of Federal Hall and the Charging Bull at the top of Bowling Green Park.
- Returning to Toddler Music with Irka Mateo (a class at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian that Sam loved, but had to give up when he started preschool in May due to conflicting times)--pictures below
- Giving high-fives to his two favorite doormen at the building we were temporarily housed in on Exchange Place (and re-inviting them to his yet-to-be-planned birthday party in August).
- A picnic on Pier 15 on the East River, overlooking the South Street Seaport Historic Ship Museum.
- Played at the Imagination Playground
We also did a few new things that were fun:
- We saw a trapeze class on the pier at the seaport.
- Attended a music class called "Bilingual Birdies" at the South Street Seaport--also pictured below.

Adrenaline Junky

One of many leaps from this outcropping in Central Park on a recent Saturday morning.

Friday, June 20, 2014

A Taste of MN (and Gelato) in NYC

Sam and his daddy had the great privilege of connecting with Annie, a former student from his first looping class in MN, and her family.  They were here in NYC seeing the sights and took me up on the offer to connect.  We met up on The Highline, which is a unique park resurrected from abandoned elevated railroad lines in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.  From there we headed to the Chelsea Market and grabbed a bite to eat and caught up.  With full bellies, we returned to strolling The Highline to enjoy the pleasant, sunny early summer afternoon in NY.  With all that sun and walking, Sam and the gang headed back in to the Market for some delicious gelato. We parted ways on C subway line, when Annie's family jumped off at 50th St.  Sam had fallen asleep in the backpack on the subway, but woke up 45 minutes later, surprised to be walking the dog in the Upper West Side neighborhood.  The first thing he said was, "Where did our friends go?"  Such a sweetie.
It really was a pleasure to spend time with Annie and family, and I hope that this isn't the last familiar face we see here in NY.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Happy to be a Super Soccer Star"

Sung to the tune of "Happy and You Know It," it begins and ends each of Sam's newest summer class: Super Soccer Stars (for 2.5-3 year olds).  He has really taken a liking to it, and both of his parents are amazed at how well he listens and follows directions from his coaches (who have been different people each of the last 4 classes he dropped in on).  Is there a U3 National Team?  If so, Sam may be ready by July!

Museum Mile Festival

On a Tuesday evening in June, Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue shuts down to vehicles, the kids graffiti the streets, and the museums open their doors for free.  The lines were too long, but we enjoyed the vibe of the performers outside of many of the museums.

End of Visit to Corny-ell (aka "Cornell")

Sam really seemed to share his mother's zest for the school on the hill.  More documentation below.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Cornell Class of 2033 Pre-Orientation / Class of 1999 15th Year Reunion

Sheyna's dream has come true--Sam is finally getting to experience a taste of the good life "far above Cayuga's waters."
The Cornell Reunion weekend is off to a good start for both alum and future alum.  We've played in the fields of North Campus (or what remains of them), we've slept in the dorm (Low Rise 9, aka JAM--Just About Music), had an extensive jogging/strolling tour of campus, and a romp in the Arts Quad.  What's up next, well, no visit would be complete without treating your ears to the sweet sounds of one of Cornell's much adored a cappella groups.  Stay tuned for more...

A brief visit with Nona and Papa

A trip to Albany means fun with Nona and Papa (and yard to lounge in for Switzerland)!
Sam was treated to some of Stewart's finest cold dairy products (ice cream), and on a related note, Nona got to experience the after effects of a sugar rush (Sam went a little berserk; grabbing and squeezing her head for a minute or two).
The following day, Nona guided Sam towards one of the Capital District's child-friendly gems, Hoffman's Playland.  Sam had a blast riding the merry-go-round, boats, a fire engine, a train, and a helicopter.  A perfect amount of excitement before a 3 hour road trip to Ithaca.

  Sam and Nona on the train (last seat on the middle car).

 This angle makes it look a bit more intense than it was, but Sam enjoyed the ride regardless.