Matt and Sam convinced Sheyna to take the subway after dinner down to Times Square to peek at the brewing madness. We were there (at 40th and Broadway--two blocks south of Times Square) and gone by 8:30 pm and the crowd was building but not unmanageable yet (at least not from two blocks away). We got a peek at "the ball," which was colorful, and headed home--it was not warm and I don't pity the revelers who stuck it out for the long haul on NYE. In addition, the HEAVY NYPD presence in the area was a bit unnerving. We only encountered friendly officers, but after the tragic events of the last two weeks, they all had to be on edge, and Matt was happy not be standing in a small crowd of them.
Matt was the only one awake at midnight, but didn't bother to turn on the TV. Whoopee!
On New Year's Day, Sheyna was doing last minute bonding with Sam prior to boarding a plane to Hong Kong, which took the form of costume fun time. (Both costumes belong to Sam and Sheyna was cooperating under duress.)