Friday, May 25, 2012

Frequent Flier

On one of the flights to NY, Sam had his own seat. He clearly needs the leg room! (His official height is now 30in, which makes him 1/2 as tall as his mama.)

All in the Family

Sam made an unexpected trip to New York last weekend for the funeral of his beloved Zayde. While the occasion was a sad one, it was a wonderful reminder of just important family is. And Baby Sam certainly did his part to keep everyone smiling.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our little minnow...

If you're happy and you know it, splash your hands! Sam continues to be quite the swimmer. He's even gone under water!

Happy Birthday! (9 months)

And Happy Mother's Day! As a special treat, mom was allowed to sleep in this morning - heaven. After a lovely brunch with some friends, an afternoon of outdoor art projects began. These footprints will surely be worth something some day.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Future Michael Phelps?

Sam had his first swim lesson! He is a natural! He loves to float...still working on blowing bubbles.