Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Birthday! (9 months)

And Happy Mother's Day! As a special treat, mom was allowed to sleep in this morning - heaven. After a lovely brunch with some friends, an afternoon of outdoor art projects began. These footprints will surely be worth something some day.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. 9 months statistics have thrown us a bit:
    - Bathroom scale weight (using Daddy's subtractive method) = 22 pounds (a bit less than last month, but he was going through some sort of self-imposed fast this weekend)
    - Head size = ~19 inches (still a good sized melon)
    - Height = ~27 inches **Note: This is height, not length; we tried to get him to stand against a wall for this one and his measured standing height appears to be much shorter than his horizontal stretched-out length--I guess we need to work on his posture.**
