Thursday, March 5, 2015

Snowy Day, Snowy Friend

Sam's cousin and aunt, Zayla and Teagan, have been visiting from California this week.  Sam has been loving having a cousin stay with us, Matt has been enjoying the extended family time, Sheyna says Teagan is the most helpful guest she has ever met, and Switz, well, Switz is spending some time with his canine uncle, Willie, and his granddogparents, Lynn and Barney, in Albany because Zayla is allergic (and we're going on vacation to Key West on Saturday--THANKS LYNN & BARNEY!).
After a few busy days of touring around the city, a snowstorm blew in this morning, so we devoted the morning to playing in the snow, which was new for Zayla, a true California Girl.  Zayla has been making snow angels, tossing snow balls, and tried sledding (briefly)--she even got whitewashed by Sam (who was chastised and then apologized).
We also assembled a pretty fine snowman in Central Park.  As we made it, several people asked if they could take a picture.  We left it up with all of it's decor while we went to another spot for a bit of sledding.  Matt planned to return to reclaim the "snowglasses" and scarf before going home, but as he approached there were people taking pictures with the snowman and others waiting for their turn.  Matt decided that he didn't want to be the guy that walked up and snatched off the snowman's gear and walked away, so we left it.  Matt joked (only half-kidding) to Teagan that the hashtag #CentralParkSnowman was probably trending on Instagram--or whatever people do.
When we got home and the kids were napping, Teagan looked and sure enough saw several pictures of our snowman that people had posted on Instagram using #CentralPark.  Ha!
So glad others could enjoy it even after we were done.  (Sheyna wants to know if she is getting her scarf back though--Matt says that is TBD.)
Evidence of fun can be found below.
O0oD (that is Matt's emoticon for a snowman with a hat on--no arms though) <:

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